Interview with Wendy Toliver.

Hey guys welcome to another post. Today I have a special blog post, todays feature post is an interview with Wendy Toliver who wrote the wonderful book called Red’s Untold Tale. If you read my review of this book you will know I loved it. I loved it so much I asked the author if she would answer some questions that I could feature on my blog and luckily Wendy agreed. So enough of me talking and on the the interview.

1. What made you decide to write a book based on a character from Once Upon a Time?

I’m a fan of the show, so when my literary agent told me the Once Upon a Time/Disney/ABC folks wanted a tie-in novel to explore the teen years of one of its most popular characters, Red/Ruby, and asked if I’d be interested in putting my name in the hat for a chance to write it, I said, “I’d love to!” What followed was a series of phone and email conversations, and eventually, I got the exciting news that had been chosen for the honor.
2. Who is your favourite character in the book?

I have a special spot in my heart for all of the characters, even Violet; but if I had to choose one, I would say Knubbin the wizard. I like his quirkiness, and I had a lot of fun writing him.
3. What character do you think readers will like the most?

Some readers have told me they love Granny the most, and I can see why. She’s spunky and fierce, and yet it’s clear she loves Red very, very much. I’ve also had many readers say they have a book crush on Peter.
4. If you could be a character from your book who would you be?

Heathcliff, Knubbin’s crow. He gets a birds’ eye view of the Enchanted Forest, and gets to be entertained by Knubbin’s shenanigans on the daily.

5. Who influenced you to be a writer?

I’ve pretty much always loved writing, but I was fortunate enough to have some teachers and professors who noticed something special about my writing. On the flip-side, I also had a professor who said I was a terrible writer. It’s important for us to remember not to let other people’s opinions make us let go of our dreams and helpful to surround ourselves with people who help us reach our goals. My family, closest friends, critique partners, agent, editor, and fans believe in me, and whenever I’m frustrated, they remind me why I AM a writer.
6. What was the first book you can remember reading?

 Barney Beagle, written by Jean Bethell and illustrated by Ruth Wood. It’s about a beagle in a pet store who waits and waits and waits for the right person to come and buy him and take him home. I had the whole book memorized, and yet I still felt complete joy when Barney found his boy.
7. What is your favourite thing about being a writer? 

I love getting to meet and interact with the readers. Most of my novels are written for the teen audience; and in general, teens are passionate about letting me know how they feel. I enjoy reading their emails and social media shout-outs, seeing the videos and artwork they base on my novels, and hearing about the campaigns they start to get me to write more books or get my books in their part of the world. It’s truly wonderful.
8. Do you have a favourite thing to do when you are writing? 

When I’m writing from my home office, I like it when my Siamese/ragdoll cat, Violet, hops in my lap. She’s like my coach; rooting for me to make the day’s goal.
9. What advice would you give to aspiring authors? 

1. Read. Read the types of books you know you like, and expose yourself to the genres you’ve never read. 2. When you watch TV shows or movies, think about how the story is unfolding, and decide for yourself whether it’s working or not. 3. And last but not least, surround yourself with people who believe in you: friends, family, teachers, and writing organizations and communities.
Wendy Toliver

Author of Teen Fiction
There you go guys. I hope you enjoyed reading the answers as much as I did. Feel free to leave comments 🙂